Liste des produits du fournisseur VAVUUD

Vaavud is a young company from Denmark, which was founded by
kite surfers, wind surfers and outdoor sports freaks with the goal
to find an easy way to get and share wind information from remote
surf spots. It quickly became clear though, that the company was
onto something with a much broader appeal: Sailors, paragliders,
scientists, farmers and many others found it very useful to have a tool
that connects to the smartphone and that they carry with them anyway.

Vaavud means Wind in the old language of the ancient gods in the north
of Europe. With his bachelot thesis, the Danish Technology student
Andreas Bruun Okholm set the first milestone for the Vaavud wind meter
that turns Smartphones in a small weather station.

In 2011, the first Vaavud wind meter was developed with the help of Kickstarter.
Within less than a year, the product has been sold in 96 countries, and
the app has been downloaded more than 30.000 times. Today, Vaavud
wind meters are used all over the world and have been honored with
a special mention in the category ‘Marine electronics & Marine related
software’ in the world’s most prestigious international design competition
for new marine equipment and accessories, the DAME 2013. Vaavud also
made it under the finalists in the category "Accessories" at the IPSO 2015
Brandnew Award.

Vaavud wind meters are small, smart and robust devices and therefore
ideal for traveling and for everybody who deals with the weather or the
wind or practices a hobby where the wind plays a role. Vaavud is known
to provide easy-to-use, innovative, and quality products.

Pas de produit pour ce fournisseur.